• Double Shot

    My love is not conditional, Nor fickle It does not hinge on your...
  • Wednesday, August 14, 2019

    Payback is a B****

    If I truly believed in karma

    I’d be convinced that you were mine

    My heart wanted you so much

    I fell past all the signs

    With every second spent. . .on an array of conversation

    Intellectual, radical, and ridiculous

    Aliens, God, systemic oppression 

    How I’m not jumping no broom, and why must you have this fan again

    You know, normal shit

    With the way your eyes met mine 

    Suddenly words weren’t needed

    A delicate touch spoke volumes

    I opened the doors to my soul 

    Placed my secrets in your care

    The more of you I received 

    The more I fell

    Only you weren’t falling with me

    Loving you was a dose of my own broken hearted medicine 

    Unfairly prescribed for a condition that is outdated

    I’m no longer hurt.  . .jaded 

    Feeding ego at the expense of another

    But the universe still saw fit to see my energy reciprocated

    You. . .were my KARMA


    Saturday, July 20, 2019

    Double Shot

    My love is not conditional,

    Nor fickle

    It does not hinge on your behavior 

    Nor the musings of sweet nothings 

    That trickle from your lips with the smoothness of heavy cream 

    infiltrating the richness of my coffee bold soul 

    My love is not conditional,

    It can not be bought

    Nor exchanged for anything of this plain

    Materials won’t do 

    Divinely connected 

    Pulled in, drawn to energy that feels like home

    My love is not conditional 

    All I require is that you give me YOU. 

                                               - Darian Marissa 


    Sunday, June 9, 2019

    Discipline is Key

    I’m a person that is deeply rooted in my emotions so this has been, and sometimes still is a struggle for me. A lot of times we get stagnant because we don’t want to do the work when we aren’t “feeling” it. The truth of the matter is you have two options. 1) Push through it and get it done anyway 2) Wallow in your toxic vibe and procrastinate until the next time you’re in a good mood. Either way it’s going to feel shitty. If you do the work anyway, the feeling will be short lived because you’ll have progressed toward your goal. If you don’t the weight of that feeling will multiply because you now feel behind the ball. So suck it up buttercup and get it done. 


    Know Your Worth

    While people are responsible for how they treat you, you are equally responsible for accepting it. Someone disrespecting and devaluing you will never be your fault, however, once you’ve realized this is the way they are going to behave you owe it to yourself to speak up and/or remove yourself from the situation. In many cases, that’s easier said than done but you have to. If you accept their behavior, excuses, mistreatment, you are teaching them that’s an acceptable way to handle you.

    That was something I had to realize the hard way. When someone shows you a toxic pattern of behavior and you continue to subject yourself to it you become apart of the problem. You’ll find yourself in a stagnant space of complaining, yet you are not moving forward. You’ve got to love yourself enough to let go, no matter how scary it is. Holding on will only kill your spirit. 


    Wax On Wax Off

    When I first started I swore I would never wax. I dreaded being waxed and didn’t trust myself to wax anyone else. Then last weekend I went to Premiere Orlando and fell in love with the process. I didn’t want to wax because I allowed my lack of knowledge and experience equate to an inability to do so. WRONG. I went after the knowledge I was lacking and just started doing it, now there’s no going back. 

    Wednesday, April 24, 2019

    The Runaway

    I was addicted to my own pain
    I reveled in it
    Long past there being anything to gain 
    From reliving the hurt that damn near drove me insane
    But to let go means taking responsibility 
    For my own growth 
    My own healing
    Opening myself up to the possibility 
    That it could all. . .happen. . .again 
    And so I continued to fiddle with strings of toxicity 
    Institutionalized by my pain 
    Unable to cope with “healthy” 
    The triggers fire and anxiety swells
    There’s got to be something wrong 
    And I’d sit waiting for the other shoe to fall 
    Only it wouldn’t . .  .but that can’t be 
    So there I’d go digging into the recesses of my mind for old traumas to project 
    Subconsciously leaking the poisons of the past 
    Piecing together reasons to retreat 
    Because it’s better to leave before the hurt

    Sunday, January 13, 2019

    The Concept Behind the Slogan

    “Sip Tea and Catch the Beat”

    So what's tea you ask? Probably not what you were expecting based upon preconceived notions built up around the topic in pop culture these days. Like many, you might be used to "tea" being the latest gossip. Maybe Sam caught her boyfriend cheating, Rebecca's pregnant again from her no-good baby daddy, or Shontelle got fired AGAIN for cursing out management. Not here sis!! So if juicy gossip is what you're looking for this wont be the blog or you. While I may discuss current drama or issues in media and pop-culture from time to time, we will not gossip for the sake of entertainment and just having something to talk about. If there is no valid lesson, point of redirection, or an opportunity for growth as a result of the conversations, they will not be had here.

     I would like to redefine the concept of "tea" and "spilling tea." I want to inspire fruitful and progressive conversation. Tea you receive here will feed your mind, body, and soul. The tea we share will be books with helpful insights ( life, business, love ) and lessons we've learned in overcoming our own toxic behavior not just highlighting that of others. Maybe your tea is the Sunday sermon that really stuck with you. Of course I'll spill tea on my beauty hacks as I embark on the journey of becoming not only a makeup artist but a clinical esthetician. Now that we've gotten that out of they way, Heyyyy girl. Time to "Sip Tea and Catch the Beat."

    XoXo Darian Marissa

    Monday, December 17, 2018

    Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

    I thought you were helping
    me complete my puzzle

    But you've been pulling pieces
    from a different box

    adjusting the angles ever so slightly. . . .
    so they almost fit

    forming a fragmented image
    of everything I thought I wanted

    I can almost picture what it would be like
    to be loved by you

    Tuesday, November 20, 2018


    You played with my heart but it's my fault, I let you 
    I let you in to a place no one had ever seen 
    I let you see soul deep inside of me 
    I gave you my worries, trusted you with my dreams 
    But when you finished there was barely anything left of me 
    You altered my mind and conquered my heart 
    Only to leave me broken 
    I let you see my soul, I gave you everything 
    And you still left me
    Left me to re write my dreams 
    Haunted by faded memories 
    Of what we would never be 

    Black Boy Blues

    Hey black boy
    Why you so mean?
    Heart full of ice
    Head full of steam

    Hey black boy
    Why you so mean
    Cussin’ folk out
    Causin’ a scene

    “Hey black boy
    Why you so mean”

    Maybe cause my daddy gone
    And mama ain’t home to feed me

    Maybe cause my brother locked up
    Cousin been gunned down in the street

    Hey Merikkka
    You wanna know why I’m mean

    I go to bed hungry
    My water ain’t even clean

    System took my people
    Ain’t nobody lookin’ out for me

    Each night
    I pray just to wake up
    Each day
    That today ain’t the day police decide to kill me

    Stop asking
    Black boys why they’re so mean

    Cause they struggle in a society
    Built to oppress and detain
    Rather than sustain such KINGS
