Sunday, June 9, 2019

Know Your Worth

While people are responsible for how they treat you, you are equally responsible for accepting it. Someone disrespecting and devaluing you will never be your fault, however, once you’ve realized this is the way they are going to behave you owe it to yourself to speak up and/or remove yourself from the situation. In many cases, that’s easier said than done but you have to. If you accept their behavior, excuses, mistreatment, you are teaching them that’s an acceptable way to handle you.

That was something I had to realize the hard way. When someone shows you a toxic pattern of behavior and you continue to subject yourself to it you become apart of the problem. You’ll find yourself in a stagnant space of complaining, yet you are not moving forward. You’ve got to love yourself enough to let go, no matter how scary it is. Holding on will only kill your spirit. 


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